St Ninian’s Beach Tombolo Relaxation

"I listen to a LOT of guided meditations and relaxations and I can 100% say this audio from Diane at Shetland Resolve was on another level. Diane has such a soothing voice - I actually have no idea what she says during the relaxation because each time I've listened I've instantly become so relaxed that I've forgotten everything.  Wow, you have a beautiful kind of magic Diane, everybody should own a copy!" - Kristina

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St Ninian’s Beach Tombolo Relaxation

Can’t get to the beach right now? No problem!

Neuroscientists have proved that our brain and central nervous system react, exactly, the same to:

1. what you imagine in your own mind; and

2. to what happens in the external world around you.

Whether you visit a beautiful beach or just spend time imagining being there you will get the same benefits from this unique audio, spoken in Shetland dialect from Diane Taylor at Shetland Resolve.

 Must not be listened to whilst driving or operating machinery.

"Very restful, a perfect voice for relaxation. Would definitely buy more" - Ian

When you purchase this relaxation audio you'll receive your unique username and password, with life time access to listen over and over again. Access anywhere from our app and inside our Shetland Resolve Library. Includes: 30 Minute Audio File

GBP 38
Total due GBP 38

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"I’ve never listened to this type of thing and have never meditated… the 1st time I listened to Diane’s soothing voice I relaxed so much I never got to the end of the audio - and had a lovely mid-afternoon snooze (and I don’t do daytime naps usually)… I’m not a great sleeper, so I listened again one night and the same thing happened.  I now listen whenever I’m struggling to wind down/relax/get to sleep and I have yet to reach the end! It works for me!" - Coleen